If you are a student or employee of University of North Texas
  1. Take PureSafety Online Course (~$25) (Currently is NOT availible through 3rd party vendor, Please skip this stepon basic cleanroom safety and complete a test. A certificate will be sent to you once you have passed. Send the certificate to cleanroom manager.
  2. Read the UNT Cleanroom User Manual and Safety Manual on line. Take the Safety Quiz (pdf). Send or bring the result to cleanroom manager. If you miss more than 4 questions then you will need to retake the quiz, so study carefully.  
  3. Download User Agreement (pdf) and  the fillable CMEE cleanroom account information form (pdf). Have PI sign the form and review the rates (pdf). Send the signed "user agreement" form and "CMEE cleanroom account information form" with chart string account # form to Cleanroom Manager. Schedule a cleanroom orientation with the Cleanroom Manager.
  4. After the cleanroom orientation, you will be granted access to the cleanroom and your student ID card will be programed for cleanroom door access.
  5. For tool training, please download and fill out the Cleanroom Tool Training Request Form (pdf) and have PI sign and email or bring it to Cleanroom Manager for record. Cleanroom staff will do a one on one training on the requested tool with you.
  6. Send Cleanroom Manager tool schedule request to schedule tool usage time.
If you are not affiliated with University of North Texas
  1. Contact the Cleanroom Manager. He will review with you the Agreement for Use of Laboratory Facilities and Equipment Form, required Proof of Liability Insurance, conduct a process review and rates (pdf) for equipment usage.
  2. Once these documents are approved send a request for cleanroom safety training (internal user training step 1. 2). During training you will become familiar with the safety protocol of the cleanroom.
  3. Take the Safety Quiz (pdf). If you miss more than 4 questions then you will need to retake the quiz, so study carefully.
  4. After these steps are completed you will be granted access to the cleanroom and can request training on the tools you require. Contact cleanroom manager for tool scheduling setup for now.